Last year we wrote a post about the much longed for and finally acquired Vatican Cookbook. It was everything I had hoped and more: and every recipe we have tried has been outstanding and authentic as we have traveled to various countries around Europe and have had the opportunity to try some of them. So you can imagine how excited I was when my husband announced there was a second book coming out, featuring Christmas at the Vatican! Well, it arrived last week and it’s stunning.

This book did not disappoint and I’m going to have a hard time deciding which recipes to plan this year and which to save for future Christmas celebrations. The photography is remarkable as it was in the previous book, making this a book that you can leave out and enjoy as a family. The Swiss Guard again are featured, with many stories of their traditions, as well as history of some of the pope’s who loved and introduced their own favorite recipes to Vatican City during their time at the Papal Palace.

Nativities, decorations, traditions, famous artwork, stories, and history of Christmas at the Vatican are just some of the features in this books. Main dishes, side dishes, deserts, drinks, cocktails, and dishes from all over the world, saint days featured during Advent and Christmas and even traditional dishes of the countries of the Three Kings!

Another detail my visual mind appreciates as I attempt to recreate these recipes are gorgeous pictures that perfectly capture the richness of the colors of almost every recipe professionally plated. While my kids salivate over the beautiful deserts and cookies, my husband and I are trying not to bookmark every page for dinners we now must try. Several friends are requesting to borrow it, but as it is my only copy and I’m planning so many Christmas meals over it, I’m suggesting they instead take a peak and consider getting their family copies of their own as an advent splurge.

In fact, when advent is over, I think it would be a fun Christmas party to have everyone make a dish from the cookbook and bring potluck style so everyone can taste all the dishes!

Purchase your own copy by following this link for the Sophia Institute Press store for your own kitchen, coffee table, and all the cooks and foodies on your Christmas list this year!