The Diary of St. Faustina Will Help You During Social Distance Orders – EpicPew

The Diary of St. Faustina Will Help You During Social Distance Orders

Being isolated at home can feel very lonely even if we are together with our parents or children. We are no longer able to visit our co-workers, our extended families or friends. Once again, some can’t even celebrate the Mass in their parishes, but can only watch from the screen. During Holy Communion, we can pray for Spiritual Communion, joining our heart with Jesus. Another way to invite Jesus into our heart is studying the diary of St. Faustina. Susan Tassone compiled 365 of these entries into a daily reflection we can use to pray and meditate on the mercy and love of Jesus. Let us reflect on a few of these from Jesus Speaks to Faustina and You.

Thought this message was so fitting, Jesus wanted St. Faustina to stay home just as we are asked to stay home for our safety and the safety of those around us. Use this time to spending it with your family: get along, play, eat, exercise, have a joke contest, watch Mass online.

Use this time to be that example of Jesus to others, either by words or action. In order to be like Jesus, we have to know Jesus ourselves, so be sure to convert your heart first to Jesus.

We all love compliments and knowing we are doing good. When we try to do good and fail, know that we are not judged on the results but the intention. We may not be able to convert everyone to love Jesus as we do, but if we try all we can to do just that, Jesus will be pleased with you.

If you have never rest your head on Jesus’ shoulder, do so now. Jesus wants to be as close to you as he can be, and he will celebrate with you in your joy, and hold you in your sadness. Rest on Jesus and you will be consoled.

While we are unable to physically go to the Church building, we can still do so. Do not let a building prevent you from going before the Lord! It can be whenever, wherever we are, even for an instant. God wants to listen to everything you do, allow him to dwell with you.

Again, being away from going to Mass can be discouraging. Even if you weren’t going to Mass before the outbreak, now would be a wonderful time to start. You can have a new appreciation for all of the parts of the Mass, the readings that are spoken and the prayers with the Blessed Sacrament. Pray for the Holy Spirit to open you heart to Jesus.

Yes, the Lord is watching, not to condemn you and watch what bad is going on, but to be encouraging and rejoice with you with all the good that is happening. It is the world watching to condemn you. This time of isolation can either be a waste of time where we do nothing or use the time for evil, or we can use it to show the world the light of Christ. It is your choice, but if you chose wrong, stop, and start showing the world the love of God.

While we do still have things to do, whether that be work from home, taking care of the kids, or going to school, there always is time for Jesus, even if it only for a moment. Jesus Speaks to Faustina and You by Susan Tassone is a wonderful way to take 5 minutes to as long as you like to spend with Jesus’ mercy and love. It will change your heart and will give you the strength to persevere in this difficult time.

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