The Mass and the Manger is easily my favorite new Christmas book this year! Kids know that Jesus’s birthday is celebrated on Christmas, but do they really get why it is we go to Mass on this most special day? Do you know, even? No shame, these are questions that need answering! Learn alongside the kids you have to read to this Christmas season!

First of all, the book is beautiful with water-color magic on every page. The colors and art make you excited to open it. Targeted for ages 6-10, I honestly am excited to read it to all the kids yearly—or tag team one of the older kids to read for me! The two-year-old and five-year-old in our family were even more excited to see that the flaps of the pages as you unfold tell a story of things they could do themselves.

Every time you turn the page, you will find a lovely rhyme telling the story of the first Christmas. Super fun to read and lovely.

Opening the page, you will find a parallel story of a brother and sister duo as they meet Jesus in the same way we can in the Holy Mass and in the “mangers” we find in our homes, communities and churches.

A simple place to lay his head opens to the page which tells of the tabernacle and how Jesus was and still is worshiped for the king He is.

I think the wise men giving gifts is my personal favorite page with stories challenging us to find something to give to others and to Jesus. What could we give such a King? Our hearts!! (I totally suggest pausing and letting kids answer what they would like to give Jesus before reading the answer in the book. You will hear the sweetest answers!

This book is a true treasure tying today with the nativity and challenging us to make it real in our lives. I’m so excited to attend mass with this book added to our mass bag. I’ll be purchasing several more copies to give to our godchildren and families we love! You can get your own copy by following this link!