Did Easter Baskets slip your mind? Here is the most favorite book about the Easter Bunny in our house to date. With Easter is becoming more and more about commercialism in the culture around us, we finally have a heart-warming story to bridge the gap between the Easter Bunny and the Crucifixion and Ressurection.
The Story of the First Easter Bunny
The story of a young bunny who witnesses the Last Supper, The Crucifixion, The Resurrection, and then receives a miracle, will easily give the true story of Easter without being too preachy or so cute that it misses the point of Easter altogether.

This book has been great even for my 2nd grader who is preparing to receive the Eucharist this May, as it shows the reverence and surprise that even the bunny had at the last supper.

The sickness of the mother is a sweet moment of heartbreak and has the big eared bunny ready to seek out the man who could heal her. So the bunny picks up his mother and goes out to find him. They end up at the foot of the cross in a moment of horror and sadness. When they go to the tomb later, they are shocked to have Jesus greet them!

Jesus preforms the miracle and the mother is healed in that moment!

This book makes the perfect addition to your Easter basket, click here to order now to get it to the baskets of your loved ones!