Friday, January 6, 2017, marks eighty years since the world lost (and heaven gained) Saint André Bessette, C.S.C., commonly referred to as the “Miracle Man of Montréal.” Saint André is the first saint of the Congregation of Holy Cross, and is well known for – among multiple other accolades – founding Saint Joseph’s Oratory in Montréal, Québec, Canada, where he is widely celebrated. Saint André died on January 6, and his feast day is January 7, since January 6 is when the global Church often observes the Feast of the Epiphany. Here are five (or six for the bilingual [English and French] within the faithful) video resources on the monumental life of Saint André Bessette, one of God’s humble instruments who was supremely devoted to Jesus and looked to Saint Joseph for particular intercession. Now, Saint André and Saint Joseph are in heaven together, worshiping the same Lord whom they served meekly during their earthly lives. Saint André Bessette, pray for us! Saint Joseph, pray for us!
ALSO: there’s a great book from Sophia Institute Press, Nothing Short of a Miracle. Check it out!
1. Saint André Bessette, C.S.C., by Holy Cross Vocations
2. Real to Reel – Saint André Bessette
3. Remembering Brother André – Catholic Focus by Salt and Light TV
4. Brother André Bessette – Reflection by Salt and Light TV (English)
5. Frère André Bessette, Saint André de Montréal by Salt and Light TV (French)