Why You Should Follow #SuperBowlInTheConvent Every Year – EpicPew

Why You Should Follow #SuperBowlInTheConvent Every Year

The NFL Super Bowl is arguably the biggest annual sports event that happens in the U.S. Every grocery and big-box stores have sales on chips, soda, hot dogs, food platters, and just about every food you can serve at a Super Bowl party in the week preceding it. Fans are amped up, whether it’s to watch the halftime show, the commercials, and/or the actual game.

Whether you’re a fan of the Super Bowl or not, here are some tweets that I hope will convince you to follow the #SuperBowlInTheConvent next year and every Super Bowl afterward.

They’re fans!

Who says that nuns can’t be sports fans? They get excited about the game, just like the rest of us.

Sisters here in Brooklyn are getting ready!🏈🏈🏈. #csfn #superbowlintheconvent pic.twitter.com/s10e1WNjaX— Joanne Goscicki (@JoanneGoscicki) February 2, 2020

Who’s ready for #SuperBowlinTheConvent?!?! pic.twitter.com/MSaSOCOHzF— Sister Andrew Marie (@SrAndrewFSP) February 2, 2020

Can’t have #SuperBowlInTheConvent without good snacks! 😜🎉 pic.twitter.com/sJ6zxtcu9Q— Sister Bethany, fsp (@SrBethanyFSP) February 2, 2020

Standing ovation in the convent!!! #ChiefsKindgom #SuperBowlintheConvent— Sister Lynn (@SisterLynnD) February 3, 2020

Kids all cheering “yay for the nuns” #superbowlintheconvent— bonnybluehouse (@bonnybluehouse) February 3, 2020

Sports ball?

But, of course, some are in just for the food or the commercials, just like the rest of us.

#SuperBowlinTheConvent before the game even starts!

Sister 1: I only watch for the commercials

Sister 2: you know they’re already online, right? You could just watch them now

Sister 1: (shocked) but it’s TRADITION to watch them with the whole world! 😂— Sister Andrew Marie (@SrAndrewFSP) February 2, 2020

Sister walking in: ”Chips and dip, that’s what I’m here for. Ooh, and that music.” *proceeds to jam to the commercial soundtrack.* #SuperBowlInTheConvent— Sr. Benedicta, fsp (@ForJoysSake) February 2, 2020

Sister 1: the super bowl is kinda like a feast day, right?!? I’m gonna eat some ice cream!

Sister 2: I don’t know about the super bowl but it’s Sunday AND #PresentationOfTheLord

Sister 1: yay, ice cream! #SuperBowlinTheConvent— Sister Andrew Marie (@SrAndrewFSP) February 3, 2020

Halftime show? Pass!

Like some of us, the halftime show didn’t appeal to some of these holy women. Okay, some did watch it but many weren’t very impressed.

Sister leaving the room mumbling: Oh. I’ll be back when they stop *shimmying*.#HalftimeShow #superbowlintheconvent— Sr. Maria Kim Bui, fsp (@SrMariaKim) February 3, 2020

Nun 1: oh look! JLO! At least she’s mostly clothed.

*jlo rips off her skirt*

Nun 1: never mind…. 😳#SuperBowlInTheConvent— Sister Bethany, fsp (@SrBethanyFSP) February 3, 2020

#HalftimeShow so not impressed… only promoting women as sex symbols. Not really about any music… Really, #JoLo ? That’s all you’re worth? Sisters: oh my gosh, this is so horrible! #superbowlintheconvent— Sr Nancy Usselmann (@snancy) February 3, 2020


Nun: Is it over yet? #SuperBowl #SuperbowlInTheConvent— Sr. Theresa Aletheia ☠️ (@pursuedbytruth) February 3, 2020

We have evening prayer at 5pm, Pacific time, we always spend half time in the Chapel! Don’t think we miss much. #superbowlintheconvent— Janet Marie Barnard (@Janetosb) February 3, 2020

Duty calls!

Of course, duty calls and that means that some of the game was missed. Sometimes, you can even have “God moments” during the game!

Ok keeping it real. Will be at adoration and Vespers and will miss all the opening fun and the kickoff and a good part of the first quarter. But that’s #SuperBowlintheConvent— Sister Lynn (@SisterLynnD) February 2, 2020

We’re all prayed up!
(We spend the first Sunday of every month on retreat and end the day with an hour of adoration together.)

And now it’s time for some #SuperBowlInTheConvent pic.twitter.com/QuzRRvN52T— Sister Bethany, fsp (@SrBethanyFSP) February 2, 2020

On Sundays we take turn leading spirituality night…. tonight sister M is having us look for God in the commercials and game! #SuperBowl #SuperBowl2020 #superbowlintheconvent— Sister Julia Walsh (@juliafspa) February 3, 2020

Evangelization chances

Whether they’re talking about vocations to the religious life or are bringing attention to important causes, these Tweet-savvy nuns and sisters know how important it is to use the hashtag for good!

Praying for victims of human trafficking, for all oppressed in the sports and entertainment industries#GodHaveMercy #SuperBowl2020 #superbowlintheconvent #SuperBowl #SuperBowlLIV— Sister Julia Walsh (@juliafspa) February 2, 2020

Yo women discerning religious life: if you like #superbowlintheconvent just know that this is what’s it like pretty much every night in our house. #justsaying #prayaboutit— Sister Audra (@SisterAudraIHM) February 3, 2020

Rediscover the human soul…

“You were not made for comfort you were made for greatness.”

– Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI #superbowlintheconvent
#rediscoverthehumansoul#SBLIV— Sr Danielle Victoria, FSP (@DaniellesHabit) February 3, 2020

Yo women discerning religious life: if you like #superbowlintheconvent just know that this is what’s it like pretty much every night in our house. #justsaying #prayaboutit— Sister Audra (@SisterAudraIHM) February 3, 2020

Not all participants are religious.

Do you think only nuns and sisters used the hashtag? No! We laypeople got in on the #SuperBowlInTheConvent action as well.

In all her “encouragement” for me to become a nun, my mom never mentioned there would be queso in the convent. That might have been a game changer. #SuperBowlInTheConvent— Kathleen Butler (@kbutler333) February 2, 2020

Broke: Just here for the snacks/halftime/commercials
Woke: Actually cheering for a team
Me, an intellectual: #SuperBowlIntheconvent— Ms. Ocampo: Writer, Fangirl, Slayer (@MsOcampoWrites) February 3, 2020

As it turns out the nuns at the convent know more about sports than me and I am okay with that. Really. #SuperbowlInTheConvent pic.twitter.com/kYQawI8e6g— Hunter™️ (@HunterCrowder6) February 3, 2020

Look, I’m very happily married and we’re very excited for our first kiddo this summer (prayers please! We need them!)

But… If I’d know about #superbowlintheconvent I might have discerned a little longer 😆😆— Jess.C.Lightyear (@JessCLightyear) February 3, 2020

My 8 year old now “what are the nuns saying now mom?!!” #SuperBowl #superbowlintheconvent— Olimpia Justice -super hero (@OlimpiaJustice) February 3, 2020

The best of the best.

Need more convincing? Here are some of the best gems from #SuperBowlInTheConvent.

Earlier this weekend: @SrEmilyBeata: I’ll be here if anyone wants to know what’s happening in the football game. @SrBethanyFSP: I’ll be here if anyone wants to know what’s happening with the commercials.

We all have our gifts. #SuperBowlInTheConvent— Sister Bethany, fsp (@SrBethanyFSP) February 2, 2020

Sister 1: *walking in just now* ok, so where are we? who’s playing?
Sister 2: the chiefs
Sister 1: and the other team?
Sister 2: 🙄
(We live in the San Fran area)#superbowlintheconvent— Sr Marlyn Evangelina (@HnaMarlyn) February 2, 2020

Sister: hey! We (the @DaughterStPaul) are older than the @NFL! (We were founded in 1915)#SuperBowlinTheConvent— Sister Andrew Marie (@SrAndrewFSP) February 2, 2020

Sister 1: why don’t they just calm down?
Sister 2: umm it’s the super bowl
Sister 1: oh yeah…#superbowlintheconvent— Sr Marlyn Evangelina (@HnaMarlyn) February 2, 2020

The most excited Sister watching the #SuperBowlLIV in my house is originally from Brazil.

Me: I didn’t know you knew about football??
Sister: I don’t know anything about it but it’s exciting to watch! 🤔😂#SuperBowlinTheConvent— Sister Andrew Marie (@SrAndrewFSP) February 2, 2020

Nun 1: I still haven’t figured out who I’m rooting for!

Nun 2: Kansas City.

Nun 3: Wait. I thought we were all rooting for SanFran!

Nun 1: *under her breath* well NOW I don’t know WHAT to do….

#superbowlintheconvent— Sister Bethany, fsp (@SrBethanyFSP) February 2, 2020

Tv just froze… Or something…
Three #medianuns are trying to figure out what happened#superbowlintheconvent— Sr Marlyn Evangelina (@HnaMarlyn) February 3, 2020

Players hitting each other in congratulations after a touchdown

Sister: see how they love each other…guys are diffferent 😂#SuperBowlinTheConvent— Sister Andrew Marie (@SrAndrewFSP) February 3, 2020

TurboTax commercial: “All people are tax people”

Nun: “Not us!”#SuperBowlInTheConvent #SuperBowl— Sr. Theresa Aletheia ☠️ (@pursuedbytruth) February 3, 2020

@crabbymystic: It’s nice they put the football game between the commercials.

Sisters roaring 🤣#SuperBowl #superbowlintheconvent— Daughters of St Paul (@DaughterStPaul) February 3, 2020

*seeing 49er stretching on the ground before start of second half
Sister 1: hey we should do stretches like that!
Sister 2: who’s gonna help you up when you’re done?#superbowlintheconvent— Sr Marlyn Evangelina (@HnaMarlyn) February 3, 2020

Announcer: “That’s a home run throw right there!”
Sister: “wait, home runs are baseball, right?” #SuperBowlinTheConvent— Sister Andrew Marie (@SrAndrewFSP) February 3, 2020

Sister: who’s wearing the Red helmets?
Sister 2: Kansas City.
Sister 1: and the Gold? Where are they from?
Sister 2: San Francisco #superbowlintheconvent
Sister 1: Need to cheer for the gold team. We have a convent there! 😂— Sr Lisa Marie Doty (@Sr_Lisa) February 3, 2020

Sister 1: I have to go to bed.
Sister 2: There’s only 11 minutes left.
Sister 1: Yeah, but 11 minutes in Super Bowl time is like half an hour.
Sister 2: You have a point.#superbowlintheconvent https://t.co/vrOFZFS753— Sr Emily Beata Marsh (@SrEmilyBeata) February 3, 2020

Sister: The Chiefs scored. Maybe I’m not praying enough.
Sister 2: Does God hear football and sport related prayers?
Sister: He hears all of our prayers! #superbowlintheconvent— Sr Lisa Marie Doty (@Sr_Lisa) February 3, 2020

So, are you convinced? If so, keep track of the #SuperBowlInTheConvent next year. Don’t want to wait? You can always check it out for even more great tweets from this year! To quote this fellow Twitter user’s children:

Kids all cheering “yay for the nuns” #superbowlintheconvent— bonnybluehouse (@bonnybluehouse) February 3, 2020

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