For months I’ve been a little annoyed on the road. I see these bumper stickers that market a lie, and I can’t help but be bothered. One advertises the lie that the sexual act of two men is equivalent to the sexual act of a man and woman. Another purports that all religions and worldviews are ultimately equal. There are dozens of these blasted stickers littering the back-ends of vehicles.
So, wanting to put something truth-affirming on my vehicle, I considered my options. And… they failed.
I didn’t want a pro-life sticker, or a pro-real-marriage sticker, or a Bible verse sticker. None of these are bad, of course, but none of them accomplished what I wanted. What I wanted was a single sticker that was a way of planting my flag in the sand; a symbol of the fact that I’m pro-life and pro-marriage, etc. It wasn’t good enough to have a sticker simply identifying me as a Christian. I think we know that boat sailed a long time ago, with one denomination after another accepting all manner of perversions and lies.
I needed a Catholic sticker! I wanted a sticker that declared my submission to the Church’s authority and all that she teaches. And that’s when I decided that the flag I would plant was literally the flag of the Pope.
And so was born the Papal Flag bumper sticker! (also suitable for almost anywhere you’d place a sticker, such as a laptop.) Of course, not only did I think it’d be great to display this flag, I thought it be even better if I got to see it. So, a campaign was born!
For the next couple weeks (though it might be extended for good cause), my company Peter’s Mark will be selling Papal Flag stickers, to be shipped out in the month of August.
We want to plaster the country with flags in advance of the Pope’s September visit. Not only that, but 50% of the proceeds from the sale of these stickers will benefit the Pope’s ministry Peter’s Pence along with And Then There Were None, the ministry of EpicPew’s own Abby Johnson who is helping abortion workers leave the abortion industry.
When we hit our goal of 1000 stickers ordered, the proceeds to charity will go to 55%. And to 60% if we hit 2000.
You can learn more about Peter’s Mark and this campaign at or on our Facebook page, and we’re also on Twitter @PetersMarkcom.
Finally, in the spirit of generosity, EpicPew is giving away a 5-pack of Papal Flag stickers…