The ABC’s but with a Catholic twist. Rhyming fun for the whole family, this is sure to be a book that when read aloud will not only bring giggles and fun. It has been read and reread in our house in just the one week we have owned it. E is for Eucharist will spark discussions about our faith and Church, teaching kids both their ABC foundations and laying a firm foundation for their faith.

Each page has just a few words on it making it an easy and fast read, but the art could make you pause on every page. It is so beautifully detailed. Sacred art, pages with familiar scenes from home and church, stained glass, parts of the mass. And the colors are eye catching and draw you in.

This is sure to be a favorite in your picture book collection. This would make a great gift for godchildren, children, grandchildren . . . any of the kids in your life! Click here to order one (or three for you and your friends!).