May 21 is the memorial of St. Eugène de Mazenod. This is a saint you probably have never heard of. And if you have, you just went up a notch in our book. I have made it my mission to share him with the world. If you are not convinced that you need another saint in...
This is a busy time of year for many in the United States. Businesses are preoccupied with sending out W-2s to their employees. Citizens are gathering all of their documentation for the year and sending them to their accountants or tax preparers. The brave ones are...
The feast of the guardian angels is October 2. This often overlooked feast celebrates the angels assigned to each of us for our spiritual and physical protection. They are always with us, and only God (and perhaps Mary) loves you more than your guardian angel. This...
August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. To help inspire you, here are six quotes to meditate upon during this month. “Do whatever He tells you.” – John 2:5 This quote of Mary’s is not discussed often enough. In it, we find quite possibly the...
July 4th is the day we celebrate Independence Day in the United States. However, it is also the day, the Church recognizes Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. Although he died at the age of 24, he lived an extraordinary life, proving to us sanctity is possible at any age....