8 Reasons Venerable Fulton Sheen Is the Bomb Dot Com

8 Reasons Venerable Fulton Sheen Is the Bomb Dot Com

With the latest development in the Fulton Sheen Canonization saga, it looks like things might be moving forward for this incredible man’s canonization. I say “might” because we’ve been through this before, and the inability of two bishops to...
The People Every Catholic Meets at Daily Mass

The People Every Catholic Meets at Daily Mass

No matter where you attend daily Mass, there are some stereotypical characters you see. These are those people. The senior citizen who doesn’t work for the parish, but they might as well start paying them They are always there and always volunteering. Some...
The Catholic Card Game, Review

The Catholic Card Game, Review

I backed The Catholic Card Game on Kickstarter, so I was recently rewarded for my efforts with a delivery of the game and the expansion pack. For those who are unaware, The Catholic Card Game is a Catholic version of the wildly popular but highly inappropriate...