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The Story of the First Easter Bunny, Book Review

The Story of the First Easter Bunny, Book Review

Did Easter Baskets slip your mind? Here is the most favorite book about the Easter Bunny in our house to date. With Easter is becoming more and more about commercialism in the culture around us, we finally have a heart-warming story to bridge the gap between the...
Joseph’s Workshop—A Boardbook Review

Joseph’s Workshop—A Boardbook Review

Who doesn’t love a great board book? If it rhymes and is adorable with great illustrations, all the better! This one is a keeper and lives on the family room bookshelf where the smallest of hands can easily find it. Joseph’s Workshop The joy in this book...
Crazy Things Only Catholic Kids Do

Crazy Things Only Catholic Kids Do

Children are wonderful, embarrassing, adorable, innocent, honest to a fault. They can have you laughing for years over the things they have done that have made you hide behind your missal at church out of embarrassment or regaining composure from a fit of giggles....
Cozy and Encouraging Catholic Cookbooks

Cozy and Encouraging Catholic Cookbooks

It’s winter and all things homey and cozy are close by as we snuggle up with our loved ones in comfortable throw blankets and pillows. What’s missing from this picture? A pot on the stove or a roast in the oven with smells and flavors mixing and wafting...