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The Visitation of Our Lady, and Life in the Womb

The Visitation of Our Lady, and Life in the Womb

The Feast of the Visitation of Our Lady is one of pure joy. One that features infants in their mother’s wombs greeting each other. Mary, newly pregnant following her beautiful fiat, arrives at her Aunt and Uncles home. The marvelous thing that happens is that...
Memorial Day, Making of a Priest

Memorial Day, Making of a Priest

Word on Fire has an excellent series interviewing priests telling their stories on how they became a priest and the experiences they have had. In this episode, we follow Fr. Gadburry and how he went from a farm boy to a priest serving the military. Please enjoy this...
St. Catherine of Siena, Easy Button

St. Catherine of Siena, Easy Button

Make up a big bowl of pappardelle pasta or some ribollita soup, the traditional dishes of Siena (authentic recipes in the links!), and hit play based on your audience! Featured image: Pixabay. Free for commercial use. No attribution...
What’s So Bad About Contraception and IVF??

What’s So Bad About Contraception and IVF??

Contraception and In Vitro Fertilization (IFV) are two very misunderstood concept sand procedures. They seem like opposites, however they are two halves of the same coin. They are wrong for the same reasons initially, and then we can go into the moral effects,...
Getting Back on Track During Lent

Getting Back on Track During Lent

Holy Moses! We’re already halfway through Lent. How are you doing? Maybe you don’t have a plan, still, but don’t worry. Even just a few hours is enough time to nail down a plan… um… is that an appropriate pun? Yikes. Pray, Fast, and Give,...