What's So Bad About Contraception and IVF?? – EpicPew

What’s So Bad About Contraception and IVF??

Contraception and In Vitro Fertilization (IFV) are two very misunderstood concept sand procedures. They seem like opposites, however they are two halves of the same coin. They are wrong for the same reasons initially, and then we can go into the moral effects, results, and ethics from there.

But before we go any further, if you are suffering from infertility or even hyper fertility, we see you. Being open to life comes with some difficult crosses. For infertility, please make your first stop NaProTechnology or FEMM. For hyper-fertility, there are methods of NFP with blood draws that so far have no method failures, NaProTechnology again can help you with this. NFP is extremely effective, but you need to be working with a practitioner and realize when you do the dance there is always a chance. Contraception recognizes this and handles this by causing extremely early miscarriages.

Let’s let Father Mike lead the way and then seek some additional wisdom from Bishop Barron as he notes Pope Paul VI in Humane Vitae (read this reader friendly and short encyclical for free by clicking the link).

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