11 Amazing Catholic Scientists You Should Know

11 Amazing Catholic Scientists You Should Know

When it comes the Catholic Church and science all we tend to hear about is the Galileo affair. St. John Paul II apologized for various aspects the Church’s handling of Galileo, but it is a lot more complicated than post-modern scientists like to let on. Galileo...
5 Reasons Every Catholic Should Study Philosophy

5 Reasons Every Catholic Should Study Philosophy

Philosophy is regarded by many as the most important field of study. Indeed, in the time of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, philosophical debate was taken up everywhere, and was applied to morality, religion, science, and virtually every aspect of life. Theologians are...

13 Things You Should NEVER Say to a Priest

The last thing we want to is insult someone, most of all our priests. However, sometimes, words slip, are chosen unwisely, or just come out wrong. There are though, things you should NEVER say to a priest. Here’s a few:   1. “So…did women not...