6 Quotes to Meditate Upon in the Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. To help inspire you, here are six quotes to meditate upon during this month. “Do whatever He tells you.” – John 2:5 This quote of Mary’s is not discussed often enough. In it, we find quite possibly the...
Should You Suffer from Catholic Guilt?
“Catholic guilt” is a malady invented by sarcastic anti-Catholics. Its real name is a “well-formed conscience,” because that’s what kicks in when you are doing something you should not. Guilt. Repenting and vowing to do better is the remedy. Neither of these names is...
You Won’t Believe What Your Children Can Learn with This Read-Aloud!—“E Is for Eucharist”
The ABC’s but with a Catholic twist. Rhyming fun for the whole family, this is sure to be a book that when read aloud will not only bring giggles and fun. It has been read and reread in our house in just the one week we have owned it. E is for Eucharist will...
Meet The Extraordinary New Saint Who Was Abandoned By Her Parents
Less than two weeks after her feast day on April 12 this year, St. Margaret of Castello was declared a saint by Pope Francis under special circumstances. Although the life of this new saint is highly inspiring, not many Catholics know much about her. If you find...