Bet You Didn’t Know These 7 Symbols of Summer Have Christian Meaning!
Summertime: sun, sand, surf. Travel, treats, and community. It’s a great time of year and one that we all wish would stick around longer than it does. There are lots of images or symbols that make us think of summer, but did you know that those also have...
5 Ways to Keep Your Summer Holy
It’s summertime and that means schedules are more relaxed, we (usually) travel more often, and we can just get thrown off track in general. But that doesn’t mean your spiritual life needs to suffer! There are still so many ways to not only maintain your...
Confession and the Early Church: 10 Quotes That Show the Real Practice
One of the things I struggled with during the process of converting to Catholicism was confession. All of those standard questions were going through my mind. Why do I have to confess to a man? Why is a priest necessary for God to forgive me? The quick answer is that...
10 Important Reasons Your Next Book Should be a Prayer Book
Growing up in a Polish neighborhood in Dearborn, Michigan, all the Polish grandmothers had prayer books. They could be seen pouring over them before Mass.  Only recently have I become a prayer book sort of person. I do not know why I did not recognize its benefits...