When I was on my journey from Protestantism to Catholicism over five years ago, Mary was my biggest stumbling block to coming into the Church. It’s that way for many converts. I did not see her importance in Scripture and probably would have told you that the...
If you’re a devotee of the Stations of the Cross, you might consider checking out The Way of the Cross by Archbishop Georg Ganswein, and incorporate it into the rest of the liturgical year as well! After all, we don’t take the stations down when lent is...
At the time this article is being written, we’re in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. No one, in their wildest dreams, could’ve predicted just how much and how fast daily life has changed for all of us. If you’re someone who has a chronic illness and/or whose mental...
May 1st is the feast of St. Joseph the worker. While not the primary celebration of St. Joseph (see below), this feast allows us to celebrate St. Joseph in a way that we can all relate to him —as workers! We each work—at home, in the world, at school—so we can each...
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity was a Carmelite nun who lived at the turn of the 20th century a rather hidden life. In fact, her life looked completely unremarkable to her Carmelite sisters! But her interior life was brimming and bubbling since the time she was a child....
Even in the midst of quarantine, cancelled public Masses, and limited access to parish resources we can still pray and feed our souls while staying at home. All these apps are available for free in the Apple App Store and Google Play. 1. Magnificat Even though public...