10 Bold Quotes from St. Polycarp

10 Bold Quotes from St. Polycarp

Many people don’t know who St. Polycarp is and mistakenly think his name means “many fish.” Fortunately, his name has nothing to do with fish and actually means “much fruit.” This is fitting for St. Polycarp because he is one of the most important saints in the early...
7 Quotes from Blessed Pope Pius IX

7 Quotes from Blessed Pope Pius IX

Born on May 13, 1792, Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferrett, Blessed Pope Pius IX was elected to the papacy on June 16, 1846, and served 32 years till his death on February 7, 1878. Even with the long papacy of Pope St. John Paul II, Blessed Pope Pius IX has the longest reign...
Saints for Those WIth Lonely Hearts

Saints for Those WIth Lonely Hearts

With St. Valentine’s Day coming up, many people are busy buying flowers, chocolates, and whatnot. However, a good number of us are not planning anything because we are alone . . . . . . or are we? The saints can help us with any pain we might be feeling due to...