18 Hilarious, Witty, and Catholic WiFi Names

18 Hilarious, Witty, and Catholic WiFi Names

Looking for WiFi names that will give your Catholic neighbors and friends a good laugh? Look no further. 1. LAN does not live on bread alone But on every byte of wisdom that comes forth from the mouth of God. 2. City of Dis Waiting for the page to load is the sixth...
If the 7 Capital Virtues Were Jane Austen Characters

If the 7 Capital Virtues Were Jane Austen Characters

There is no shortage of moral tales in Jane Austen’s six completed and published novels. After all, she was the daughter of an Anglican minister and lived an upright life. Although I’ve already written about the characters that best examples of the 7 deadly virtues,...
6 Saintly Moms That Will Knock Your Socks Off

6 Saintly Moms That Will Knock Your Socks Off

Stay-at-home moms. Working moms. Widowed moms. Moms who lost their children. Moms who went on to be religious. Moms of difficult children. Moms of saints! The Church honors all types of mothers! With the Blessed Virgin Mary as their example, each of these women lived...