Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, whose baptismal name is Joseph Ratzinger, turned ninety years old on Sunday, April 16, 2017 (Easter Sunday this year)! Pope Emeritus Benedict recently released his much-anticipated last book, Last Testament: In His Own Words, with Peter...
If you’re like me, you’re always on the lookout for a concise approach to apologetics and explanations of Church teachings. The volumes of scholarly work available are fantastic, but it’s often labor intensive to dig through it all. The less words and more direct...
If you’ve had questions about the Catholic faith, you’re not alone. Â Everyone has had moments where they’ve questioned what Catholics are doing and why. And just when you’ve thought you know everything there is to know about Catholicism, a new...
Raising Chaste Catholic Men: Practical Advice, Mom to Mom by popular Catholic blogger, Leila Miller, is a book I recently had the privilege to read. It got my pen moving, kept my eyes open during late night readings and filled my heart and soul with truth and...
Which one these categories do you think you fit into? Brandon Vogt just made sharing your faith pretty simple, and it starts with ClaritasU. It’s a new community of Catholic learning that will enable you to talk more effectively and confidently...
How much do you know about the Shroud of Turin? Lent (especially the Triduum) is an especially opportune time for Catholics – and anyone of good will, for that matter – to learn more about this iconic relic. After all, it is perhaps the most famous...