Any parent will tell you that kids have a very short attention span. (You’ve known this for a long time, right?) Parents are lucky to have them long enough to sweep the floor or pick up one shirt off their floor. This can be especially true when it comes to...
. . . and besides The Hobbit. Tolkien was quite the prolific writer, even though he is most known for his epic The Lord of the Rings (which is not a trilogy! It’s actually six books!). Here are eight other books or stories Tolkien wrote. A Middle English...
What’s better than receiving a box of children’s books before a family road trip? They’re going to keep a kid’s attention on the road and they’re going to be filled with wholesome and holy knowledge! I have always been impressed the clean...
At the end of every Mass, we are told to “Go out and share the Gospel.” As the congregation begins to leave somewhere between beating the priest out the door, to leaving right at the end of the first verse, to leaving at the end of the chorus, to actually waiting to...
In difficult times, it can be, well, difficult to find the reasons to hold onto the Catholic Faith. Or, sometimes it’s hard to convince others that we have good reasons to be Catholic! Or . . . maybe you’ve been searching for a long time and just need a...