Catholics sometimes have the ignoble distinction of not being sufficiently familiar with the Bible, or as familiar as we ought to be. That is unfortunate, in either appearance or actuality, particularly considering that the Catholic Church provided all twenty-seven...
I’ve been a writer and scribbler since forever. In high school, I wrote a column for the school paper called “Teetering on the Brink”. Later, I was an English major and cranked out papers like there was no tomorrow. After that, I became a Catholic...
Devin Rose is all about groundbreaking. If you didn’t read the amazing work he did in The Protestant’s Dilemma, go ahead and add that to your cart as well. This book is a game changer, and frankly, as I turned the first several pages I was wondering why...
“Based on one of the greatest stories ever told.” Ben-Hur movie looks incredible, just check out out: Chariots Massive ships People rolling Morgan Freeman What else can you ask for? … Ben-Hur looks ridiculously exciting, and...
Here at EpicPew, you’ll find the best movie, book, and media reviews to help grow and cultivate a deep and lasting faith that is truly Catholic. To encourage you on your journey, we give away books and media from our very generous sponsors and donors. Everyone is free...