It’s the new year, and that means cracking open a new calendar. If you’re Catholic, you may have received a calendar from your Church. But upon opening it, you’ll not only find the holidays that you’re used to celebrating, but all sorts of...
A new year has begun and with all of the resolutions that will be made (or broken), one to keep you going is: listen to more Catholic podcasts! Here are 8 Catholic podcasts to listen to in the new year (and here’s a smorgasbord of others, too!). 1. Forte...
How do you know that the Catholic Church is one church founded by Christ? You could research, read books, ask apologists, or just go the easy route and ask Alexa. That’s exactly what Father Jason Signalness, a priest of the Diocese of Bismark, North Dakota, did....
How’s your Advent going? Good? Great? Or… um, yeah… about that…. Maybe you’re behind on your Jesse Tree and Advent calendar. This year, just hearing about how other’s Advent seasons are going just makes you tired. Maybe you’re...
VATICAN CITY – The world is full of technological advances, with new gadgets appearing on a daily basis. And while the Vatican gets behind proper use of modern technology (do you follow Pope Francis on Twitter?), some things are still old fashioned. For...