God Loves in All Languages

God Loves in All Languages

The Five Love Languages, from the popular book, seem to be all the rage these days. This makes perfect sense, as understanding someone’s love languages allows you to understand them and love them in a way that makes them feel fulfilled.  So how do these Love Languages...
Why ‘Creatio Ex Nihilo’ Is the Secret of Forgiveness

Why ‘Creatio Ex Nihilo’ Is the Secret of Forgiveness

A friend was complaining to me about a nasty email he’d received from a co-worker. I’d seen the missive in question: I’d been copied on it, as had several others. I agreed with my friend, in all honesty, that he had a right to grouse. It had indeed been a vindictive,...
God Wants You To Know These 8 Essential Facts

God Wants You To Know These 8 Essential Facts

There are not over a hundred people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions, however, who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church – which is, of course, quite a different thing. — Fulton Sheen, Radio Replies...