Being Further Open to the Holy Spirit

Being Further Open to the Holy Spirit

The third person of the holy trinity is the holy spirit. The holy spirit is a valuable aspect of our lives as it is how God speaks to us. We were baptized into the faith and then confirmed as Catholics. These two sacraments give us this great gift. Confirmation is the...
Is the Holy Spirit Singing to You?

Is the Holy Spirit Singing to You?

I can’t count the number of times I’ve prayed or even thought about something and God just plops his words right into a song. It doesn’t matter the style or where the music is coming from — concert, radio, or Mass — he has a way of speaking all the languages and in...
Catechesis on the Holy Trinity by Pope Saint John Paul II

Catechesis on the Holy Trinity by Pope Saint John Paul II

Between the years of 1985 to 1991, during the General Audiences, Pope Saint John Paul II gave the world an amazing series focused on the catechesis of the Holy Trinity. These catechetical lessons were part of John Paul’s Catechesis on the Creed. He began with God the...
7 Words Beginning with “P” for Pentecost

7 Words Beginning with “P” for Pentecost

Pentecost is the sometimes called the “Birthday of the Church.” While it’s true that the Church was founded through the out pouring of the Holy Spirit, that gift was given to the whole church by being given to individuals. The tongues of fire came down and touched...