9 Calming Facts about Jesus

9 Calming Facts about Jesus

Feeling sad or depressed? Having a bad day? Angry? Anxious? We all have been wounded and hurt in this fallen world. Thankfully, we have Jesus to calm us! This article will bring out great reminders from the book, Litanies of the Heart: Relieving Post-Traumatic Stress...
5 Tips for Being on Time for Mass

5 Tips for Being on Time for Mass

So many things get in the way of being on time for Mass. It’s Lent and you promised yourself you’d be on time every time, but the time change, the kids, the late-night movie, the restless sleep… The mornings seem impossible and you barely get there for the procession...
Do You Value the Elderly?

Do You Value the Elderly?

As Catholics, it is good for us to consider making outreach to the elderly. Whether it is our parents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, or others, the elderly could use our companionship. Bringing children along to experience the wisdom of elders is s a blessing. Below are a...
The True and Immutable Steps to Happiness

The True and Immutable Steps to Happiness

Go to school, go to college, get a good job, get married and have kids, enjoy grandkids, retirement, travel . . . these are typical steps that people will tell you will lead to a good life and happiness. But so many are actually unhappy, working hard and gaining...
Don’t Give Up too Quickly on Friends

Don’t Give Up too Quickly on Friends

It has been said we live in a throwaway society. People throw things in the trash or recycle bin we no longer need. We do it with the latest trends and we also do it with ideas. It is sad when we do the same thing with people in our lives. This happens in...