Dear Dr. Nucatola-You Can Change Your Life

Dear Dr. Nucatola-You Can Change Your Life

*This letter by Abby Johnson originally appeared at Dear Dr. Nucatola, I watched the video put out with your face on it. I heard you talking about harvesting fetal body parts. I saw you sip your wine while talking about how to remove an intact fetus....
10 Conversions That Would Rock Our World

10 Conversions That Would Rock Our World

The greatest sinners and opponents of the faith often make the greatest evangelists and saints.  Think St. Paul, St, Augustine…the list goes on.  Have you ever looked at a powerful voice of opposition to the Catholic faith and thought, “could you imagine...
10 Reasons the Unborn is Not Part of a Woman’s Body

10 Reasons the Unborn is Not Part of a Woman’s Body

One of the chief cries of abortion-on-demand supporters has been that of bodily autonomy—“my body my choice!”  The soundbyte goes something like this, “a woman should be free to decide what to do with her own body.”  Setting aside the highly dubious hidden...
25 Things Only Homeschoolers Can Understand

25 Things Only Homeschoolers Can Understand

Spending 12 years in homeschool as the oldest of 4, I learned a thing or two. Public school kids think we’re somehow deficient on common experiences, but let me put this to rest: there are dozens of things that only homeschoolers understand.   1. There is...
Things I Said “I Would Never” Do

Things I Said “I Would Never” Do

Have you ever said, “Well, I would NEVER do that”? Yeah…I say that a lot. You would think I would have learned by now that proclaiming that I will “never” do something is the quickest way for me to actually do it…but apparently, I am a slow learner. I would love to...