5 Times St. Benedict Was Basically a Jedi Master

5 Times St. Benedict Was Basically a Jedi Master

We all know St. Benedict. The saint whose medal (which you’re probably wearing right now) protects against poisoning and the devil. The saint who founded cenobitic life removed from the world when stuff in the fast-crumbling Western arm of the Roman Empire was...
10 Great Reasons to be Catholic in 2015

10 Great Reasons to be Catholic in 2015

Being Catholic is amazing, isn’t it?  Even after almost 2,000 years, not much has changed…we’re still a sign of contradiction in the world and the Church is still the Rock.  But sometimes it’s painfully clear that this earth is not our home and...
10 Conversions That Would Rock Our World

10 Conversions That Would Rock Our World

The greatest sinners and opponents of the faith often make the greatest evangelists and saints.  Think St. Paul, St, Augustine…the list goes on.  Have you ever looked at a powerful voice of opposition to the Catholic faith and thought, “could you imagine...
8 Patron Saints for 8 Things Everybody Loves

8 Patron Saints for 8 Things Everybody Loves

There’s a patron saint for just about every profession, hobby, and craft out there and thank goodness there is! We could all use a little saintly help now and again, no matter what you love to do. Here are 8 patron saints for 8 things we all love. 1. The Internet...