In May of 2021 (TX) SB 8, known as the “Texas Heartbeat Law,” was signed by Texas Governor Greg Abbott. The main point of the legislation was to make it illegal for abortions to be perpetrated on babies with a detectable heartbeat (a heartbeat is...
As the United States is still trying to confirm the general elections of who will be inaugurated president come January, let us run quickly back through history at a few of our leaders and discover who really is in control. This is by no means trying to compare our...
Bishop Barron recently came under attack on social media for what he had said regarding the St. Junipero Serra statue vandalism and removals happening in California. A Although this wasn’t the first (or last time) Bishop Barron has had to face criticism over his...
Pro-life activist and Catholic convert, Abby Johnson spoke at the 2020 Republican National Convention. She discussed the racist roots of Planned Parenthood—the abortion provider she was recruited to work for during college. “Life is a core tenet of who we are as...
The United States has had a rough 2020. Division is everywhere on topics that span a range of freedom and lack of freedom, income and jobs, COVID-19, will a mask hurt or help your health, racism, and being unable to attend funerals or visit hospitals for big life...