18 Hilarious, Witty, and Catholic WiFi Names

18 Hilarious, Witty, and Catholic WiFi Names

Looking for WiFi names that will give your Catholic neighbors and friends a good laugh? Look no further. 1. LAN does not live on bread alone But on every byte of wisdom that comes forth from the mouth of God. 2. City of Dis Waiting for the page to load is the sixth...
Pope Francis Launches ‘Click to Pray’ App

Pope Francis Launches ‘Click to Pray’ App

ROME – Pope Francis is harnessing the power of technology to connect young people and encourage prayer through his newest app. He launched the Click to Pray app just three days before attending World Youth Day in Panama. In front of a crowd in St. Peter’s...
5 Fun Facts About the Internet’s Patron Saint

5 Fun Facts About the Internet’s Patron Saint

The Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Saint Isidore of Seville in April. Many people know that he’s the patron saint of the internet, but many scratch their heads. Patron of the internet? How on earth is a saintly archbishop from the Middle Ages patron of...