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The Feast of the Visitation of Our Lady is one of pure joy. One that features infants in their mother’s wombs greeting each other. Mary, newly pregnant following her beautiful fiat, arrives at her Aunt and Uncles home. The marvelous thing that happens is that the babies, still in the womb greet each other! John the baptist knows his Lord is in the room and leaps in his mother’s womb for the first time. Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit begins immediately praising God and greets the Mother of our Lord in one of the most beautiful passages of scripture. Mary’s perfect response shows her marvel and humility, giving all the glory to God.

Enjoy this beautiful video of the scene from Ignatius Press:

It is fitting to celebrate this day big this year, as we await a ruling on the potential overturn of Roe v. Wade. If you aren’t convinced that life begins at conception, this is the story that should capture your attention for further reflection. John the baptist, in his mother’s womb, was filled with the Holy Spirit and greeted his Lord, who he would serve his entire life preparing the way for other’s to come and find him. Image always knowing Jesus, never having a memory where you didn’t know your life was nothing without him?

Let’s use this feast day to begin our prayers in earnest to flesh out the truth of when life begins if this is a subject you aren’t clear on. If you are clear on it, realize that there is a veil that needs lifting for those who don’t believe it and likely some real pain. We know the stories of so many who lead the way on the legalization of abortion who realized how deeply wrong they were and spent the rest of their life devoted to ending abortion. Norma McCorvey, (called “Jane Roe” in the Roe vs. Wade case) deeply regretted letting the lawyers use her as they did, especially as her story was very different than the one that was presented in the courts. (Read more about Norma by clicking here.)

Abby Johnson, once a director at one of the largest Planned Parenthood clinics, was invited to assist holding an ultrasound prob during a guided abortion. As the suction machine powered up, she remembers the Dr. jokingly saying, “beam me up, Scotty” and was horrified to watch as the baby responded in what was clear pain as it’s life was ended. Her books and the movie “Unplanned” which tells her story are powerful as the expose the truth. Her mission to help clinic workers find healing and new jobs as they exit Planned Parenthood, and her many umbrella missions to provide healing, help and true support for women in crisis pregnancies is nothing short of inspiring.

This next video, do not watch if you are sensitive or with children in the room. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, founder of NARAL and former abortionist, released this video of an ultrasound guided abortion to educate the public on what really goes on during an abortion. Not only does he go through the abortion, but he educates how an abortion is preformed, the tools used as well as the size and development of the embryo at various states in professional and scientific language. It also shows the bodies of aborted babies following an abortion. This video is disturbing, and it is difficult as you will see a baby fight for its life and fail. It is powerless agains the abortionist and his tools. I’m actually stunned that it remains up in it’s entirety on youtube.

All life is a miracle, planned and wanted or not. Today on this amazing feast day that celebrates life in the womb, let us all seek ways to pray and fast for the end of legalized abortion, begin stepping up on state levels as it will immediately become state-by-state law. How will we pressure our states and let our voices be heard now before those laws begin their legalization. Things will be messy for a while and the overturn of Roe Vs. Wade will be a beginning, not the end.

Also, let’s think of ways we can support to women and couples who find themselves in crisis pregnancies and clinic workers who find themselves in need of a job. If you are unsure of how to help, contact your archdiocese for contacts in your local area, or you can go to any of Abby Johnson’s ministries by clicking here for her link tree.

“Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus!” Elisabeth, Luke 1:42

Featured image: Wikimedia commons.

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