5 Things You Should Know About Pro-Choicers

5 Things You Should Know About Pro-Choicers

*This originally appeared at DougOnTap.com If you have been pro-life your entire life, this might be a little difficult to understand, but I think it needs to be discussed. And for some of you, this post may be uncomfortable because sometimes we want to believe the...
Common Misconceptions About Large Families

Common Misconceptions About Large Families

You know the stereotype that goes along with being Catholic: We all have tons of kids – Just a bunch of breeders. In this day and age anything over 2 children is considered “crazy.” So when families start to get above 4 and 5 kids, it can really turn some heads....
8 Clues Your Friends Secretly Want To Be Catholic

8 Clues Your Friends Secretly Want To Be Catholic

All converts have a few telltale signs that they’re interested in conversion. Some of these are in mannerisms they pick up, others are in things they say. These signs always show some sense of readiness to be Catholic, even a sense of “secretly wanting to...