Seven Ways You Can Help the Holy Souls This November

Seven Ways You Can Help the Holy Souls This November

November is an unique month in the life of the Church. It isn’t uncommon for a month to be dedicated to a particular spiritual pursuit aimed at helping us grow in holiness or devotion. Many months are dedicated to Our Lady: October being the month of the Rosary,...
Who Wrote Ecclesiastes?

Who Wrote Ecclesiastes?

Trivia: Qohelet is the Hebrew name for the book of Ecclesiastes. many scholars believe it is a name, too, of the author. The more popular rendering of the title, Ecclesiastes from “Ecclesiasticus”, is the Greek rendering that was found in the Greek Old...
Six Ways to Help the Souls in Purgatory this November

Six Ways to Help the Souls in Purgatory this November

November in the Church is a month of prayer for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. This means that we should take time to pray, not only for our loved ones who have passed on but also for all souls who have died in a state of grace but have not yet entered heaven. What is...
5 Things Catholics Should Not Do on Halloween

5 Things Catholics Should Not Do on Halloween

There are two types of Catholics: those who don’t see the big deal surrounding Halloween celebrations and those who are 1000% against it. Although it’s easy to respectfully decline participation in any Halloween activities if you fall into the latter category, some...