What’s better than receiving a box of children’s books before a family road trip? They’re going to keep a kid’s attention on the road and they’re going to be filled with wholesome and holy knowledge! I have always been impressed the clean...
At the end of every Mass, we are told to “Go out and share the Gospel.” As the congregation begins to leave somewhere between beating the priest out the door, to leaving right at the end of the first verse, to leaving at the end of the chorus, to actually waiting to...
Energetic, fun, deep, and award winning, the Chosen program helps teens to fall in love with the Faith and claim it as their own. Whether you know a teen (or group) that’s on the way to confirmation, or is just wanting to fall deeper in love with their...
In difficult times, it can be, well, difficult to find the reasons to hold onto the Catholic Faith. Or, sometimes it’s hard to convince others that we have good reasons to be Catholic! Or . . . maybe you’ve been searching for a long time and just need a...
“It was once commonly known that the enjoyment of interior peace was the reward of virtuous living, a healthy and appropriately restrained sensory life, a clear mind able steadily to consider the causes of things in our changing world, and a heart often lifted...