The Diary of St. Faustina Will Help You During Social Distance Orders
Being isolated at home can feel very lonely even if we are together with our parents or children. We are no longer able to visit our co-workers, our extended families or friends. Once again, some can’t even celebrate the Mass in their parishes, but can only...
What Sr. Lucia’s Vision of Fatima Looked Like (in her own words)
Sr. Lucia was the last visionary of Fatima alive and she lived well into old age, leaving behind a plethora of journals and notes. She also directed the sculpting the famous statue of Our Lady of Fatima, with exceeding detail and reverence. While she was directing the...
What’s Wrong With the World? Here are the 6 Big Ones
The famous writer G.K.Chesterton once replied to a newspaper column asking people to say what is wrong with the world. He wrote, “Dear Sir,What is wrong with the world?I am,Yours sincerely,G.K.Chesterton Chesterton was right, but he would have agreed that what was...