Popular gamer Tyler “@Ninja” Blevins recently announced he was leaving Twitch, a live streaming platform for gamers and other content creators. Although the decision required much consideration, Blevins reports that switching his channel from Twitch to...
Coventry Carol, otherwise known as “The hymn of the Holy Innocents” was sung by the youth of St. John Cantius and Crusaders for Life in the Illinois state capitol back in 2017. This hauntingly beautiful and heartbreaking lullaby was sung during a rally for...
There’s no denying that Catholics are present on all social media platforms. Whether it’s a healthy debate on “Catholic Twitter,” building an online community through specialized websites and Facebook groups, or sharing their own life and faith...
How do you know that the Catholic Church is one church founded by Christ? You could research, read books, ask apologists, or just go the easy route and ask Alexa. That’s exactly what Father Jason Signalness, a priest of the Diocese of Bismark, North Dakota, did....
This week I answered a “caller unknown” call. To my shock, it was Justin Bieber!! Oddly english was his second language and in the background his friends were giggling. I played along as it was clearly an innocent kid prank and asked the Bieb’s to...