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The Holy Mass Lego Book is Here!

The Holy Mass Lego Book is Here!

I’m so excited for how this book is going to make the Mass come alive to my kids in a new way! As many kids are, mine have a deep love of building with these bricks. They are so creative, and while it’s a little frustrating to find them all through the...
Julia Greeley: Secret Angel to the Poor

Julia Greeley: Secret Angel to the Poor

In a world of picture books that are mostly hot topics and all about self, instead of others, this book was a breath of fresh air. Packed with simple, but deep lessons to take in and begin applying just as the characters in the book find themselves doing as they...
Pray and Think Imaginative Rosary Book, Review

Pray and Think Imaginative Rosary Book, Review

Our six year old has taken a personal interest in saying the rosary since his godparents gifted him this beautiful book, Pray and Think Imaginative Rosary. While we were with them they included us into their family rosary after dinner. We’ve been doing a family...