Famous Quotes from St. John Paul II: Celebrating His Feast Day on October 22nd
On September 30, 2013, Pope John Paul II was canonized at St. Peter’s Square by Pope Francis, and it was a day to remember. John Paul II is one of the most beloved saints especially amongst younger, intentional Catholics and so many others. He is famously remembered...
The Papacy and Beatification of John Paul I
A few days ago, Pope Francis beatified John Paul I, whose papacy lasted just thirty-three days. Seems a significant number in Biblical terms. Sacred tradition tells us Jesus was thirty-three years old at the time of His crucifixion. We know the number three to be holy...
The Nine People You Meet in Adoration
Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament is a beautiful way to increase one’s devotion to the Eucharistic Lord, and spend quiet time with Him in prayer. Sometimes, though that “quiet time” is less than quiet, and sometimes it is downright distracting....
7 Promises from the Blessed Mother for Devotion to Her Sorrows
Our Lady of Sorrows is celebrated on September 15, on the octave day of the feast of the Blessed Mother Mary’s nativity on September 8th—two big Marian feast days. Her Immaculate Conception, the celebration of her being immaculately conceived without the stain...