How’s your Advent going? Good? Great? Or… um, yeah… about that…. Maybe you’re behind on your Jesse Tree and Advent calendar. This year, just hearing about how other’s Advent seasons are going just makes you tired. Maybe you’re...
It’s almost Christmas, which means you may have quite a few Christmas parties on your calendar. If you aren’t dressing up as Saint Nicholas to pass out Christmas gifts, then you may be at a loss for what to wear. Whether it’s a holiday party for your...
Christmas is right around the corner. Some of us have finished the Christmas to-do list and checked it twice. But others have run out of time, spent too much money already, or are stumped on what to give that one person who has everything. If you fall into the second...
It’s that time of year again! Time to take a relaxing stroll through the most epic (or not), hilarious (or not), and creative (or not) nativity scenes that people have come up with. Before you explore the nativity scenes for this year, take a look at the past...
Sacred Heart Major Seminary released an amazing video of their (incredibly talented!) seminarians singing a rendition of “The First Noel”. The video was taken by the film crew from Spirit Juice Studios and does a fantastic job at showing off these...