Even MORE Lame Pro-Choice Signs

Even MORE Lame Pro-Choice Signs

Just in case you are wondering, this is a sequel to another article I did called, 12 Lame Pro-Choice Signs. One of these days I am going to have to approach one of these sign holders and ask them what they are trying to say with their sign. Some are obvious, some...
When I Harvested Baby Body Parts

When I Harvested Baby Body Parts

For eight years of my life, I worked at Planned Parenthood. I was a staunch defender of “women’s rights,” including the right to abortion on demand. However, I never believed we were there to sell abortions. I believed that we were there to reduce the number of...
15 Recipes Inspired By Your Favorite Saints

15 Recipes Inspired By Your Favorite Saints

Many of our readers and authors here at Epic Pew are parents, and we all know that “Education in the faith by the parents should begin in the child’s earliest years. ” (CCC 2226.) In my home, we spice up the faith by sprinkling it into our daily...