Sacraments Archives – EpicPew


The Truth about Confirmation

It’s Confirmation season, or so it seems. Religious education directors everywhere are scrambling to finalize details on sacramental preparation. In the backs of their minds, they’re hoping for some reprieve before the next cycle of planning and organizing begins. (We know that hardly exists, especially with First Communions and early registration happening.) While we let

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What 60% of Catholics Don’t Know About the Eucharist—But Need to Learn

Recently a Pew Research study determined that approximately sixty percent of Catholics do not believe in the True Presence of Christ under the species of bread and wine in the Eucharist. This has caused a stir and some consternation among the faithful, priests, and bishops. The Eucharist, according to Lumen Gentium no. 136, is the

What 60% of Catholics Don’t Know About the Eucharist—But Need to Learn Read More »


9 Fascinating Facts That Will Change the Way You Think about Confirmation

Chrism, the Holy Spirit, and slaps across the face. Here are nine things you need to know about Confirmation! 1. Confirmation has been around for a while Catholics have been getting confirmed for almost 2,000 years. According to Saint Cyprian, Confirmation and Baptism were usually combined into a “double sacrament.” “Among other reasons, the multiplication

9 Fascinating Facts That Will Change the Way You Think about Confirmation Read More »


Tell Us Why You Avoid Confession and We’ll Guess Your Temperament

Many of us say that we struggle to go to confession, but the reason why we struggle reveals a lot about our personality, spirituality, and temperament. Confession is the sacrament where the four temperaments manifest themselves the most. After all, each of the four temperament types struggles to get to the confessional for different reasons.

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Are these not some of the most stunning chalices you’ve ever seen?

Remember back to that scene in “Indian Jones and the Last Crusade” when Indy (played by Harrison Ford) was forced to pick the “true” Holy Grail from several shelves of Chalices to save the life of his father? Donovan (played by Julian Glover) drinks from the wrong one and dies, whereas Indy picks the correct one and gains

Are these not some of the most stunning chalices you’ve ever seen? Read More »