Reviews Archives – EpicPew


Does Hell Really Exist?

No one talks about it in public. It is unpleasant and uncomfortable to discuss. It is that place that no one wants to go to, but where the saints have had visions that were full of fire, darkness, and agony. This place has several names; Gehenna, Hades, Tartarus, but most commonly today, it is named

Does Hell Really Exist? Read More »

3 Lies and a Truth

Lies have been around since the beginning of time. The only truth about lies is they are never true. And as timeless as lies have become, there are ways that lies can be hidden into our modern times. Anthony Esolen sets out to uncover where these lies are in The Lies of Our Time. In

3 Lies and a Truth Read More »

This Incredible New Book Chronicles the Heroes and Villains of the Discovery of America and West Indies

I admit, I’ve never heard of Bartolomé de las Casas and I probably never would have if I didn’t pick up this book. He was a 16th-century Spanish colonist who acted as a historian and social reformer before becoming a Dominican friar. He was appointed as the resident Bishop of Chiapas, and the first officially appointed “Protector of the Indians”. If

This Incredible New Book Chronicles the Heroes and Villains of the Discovery of America and West Indies Read More »

These Ridiculous Misconceptions About the Catholic Church Are Finally Explained

You’ve probably heard at least one of them at some point. Catholics worship Mary! The Eucharist is cannibalism! And so many others. We as Catholics know they’re false, but do we know why or how to explain them? Maybe not. Archbishop Patrick John Ryan explained five of these anti-Catholic myths in a lecture he gave

These Ridiculous Misconceptions About the Catholic Church Are Finally Explained Read More »