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Ready for Spiritual Combat?

Ready for Spiritual Combat?

Pope Benedict XVI once compared Lent to "a period of spiritual 'combat' which we must experience...

Adoration or bust!

Adoration or bust!

Many Catholic Churches have the beautiful practice of exposing the Blessed Sacrament in the...

2025 Jubliee and Luce

2025 Jubliee and Luce

In 2022, Pope Francis announced that 2025 would be a Jubilee year for the Catholic Church, called...

The Real Mary Magdalene

The Real Mary Magdalene

July 22nd is the feast day of St. Mary Magdalene, an important woman in the gospel story whose...

He’ll Take Your Suffering

He’ll Take Your Suffering

The one thing we all have in common is suffering. From the moment of our conception, we are joined...

9 Calming Facts about Jesus

9 Calming Facts about Jesus

Feeling sad or depressed? Having a bad day? Angry? Anxious? We all have been wounded and hurt in...

Daddy, what bead are we on?

Daddy, what bead are we on?

“Daddy, what bead are we on?” is a question I am asked frequently by my two oldest sons during our...

The Truth about Confirmation

The Truth about Confirmation

It’s Confirmation season, or so it seems. Religious education directors everywhere are scrambling...

Making Peace with 24 Hours

Making Peace with 24 Hours

I could get so much more done if I didn’t have to stop to sleep. Yet, I’ve proved to myself...

Does Hell Really Exist?

Does Hell Really Exist?

No one talks about it in public. It is unpleasant and uncomfortable to discuss. It is that place...

Kid-Friendly Triduum Ideas

Kid-Friendly Triduum Ideas

The Triduum can be a mysterious and sad time even for adults. Below are some ways to help our kids...

Opinion Piece: The Heart of Worship

Opinion Piece: The Heart of Worship

As we persevere through the rest of Lent and prepare to enter into the Paschal Triduum, let us all enter more fully into the heart of worship.

3 Lies and a Truth

Lies have been around since the beginning of time. The only truth about lies is they are never...

A Lenten Prayer for Humility

A Lenten Prayer for Humility

During this season of Lent, as Catholics, we strive to live humbly for Christ. It is a time of...

Awake or Woke: Don’t be Confused

Awake or Woke: Don’t be Confused

This is your playbook to bring our society back to a traditional, Christian-based culture that is not confused about who we are.