Seven Simple Steps to Deepen Your Catholic Faith
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to let faith become something we keep on the sidelines...
7 Reasons to Go to Confession (Even Though It Can Suck!)
Confession is a sacrament in the Catholic Church that has profound effects on a person's soul and...
What Christmas is like in Heaven
Sophia Institute Pressed just published a new book, Christmas in Heaven, written by Anthony...
The Ultimate Gift Guide for Catholic Kids
Do you have a niece or nephew, a godchild, or your own child who you want get something special...
Give Your Kids Less This Christmas (and Here’s How)
Less can definitely be more for children.
10 Saints NOT to Choose for Confirmation (and 5 You SHOULD!)
Saints are special and you should pick someone special to you. But sometimes they're just so...
Sacred Heart of Jesus: 5 Simple Ways to Celebrate
St. John Paul II said, “The Sacred Heart has given us everything — redemption, salvation, sanctification.”
What Would John Paul II Say about AI Art?
Lately there has been an explosion of "AI Art" (art generated by artificial intelligence). It is...
10 Completely Legitimate Complaints about the 10th National Eucharistic Congress
I just returned from the 10th National Eucharistic Congress, and let me tell ya. There is quite a...
New Symbolon Series Coming Summer 2024
The Augustine Institute is releasing a new catechetical series this summer recorded primarily in...
When Jesus Speaks: Don’t Miss This Powerful Picture Book!
The Bible is full of stories of God the Father and Jesus Christ simply speaking a miracle into...
Christ’s Fulfillment of the Covenants Revealed in Scripture
Throughout the Old Testament there are several instances of God establishing a covenant. He did so...
Women Saints who Show Our Many Womanly Vocations
Is there a current topic more controversial and more misunderstood than the Church's stance on...
9 Calming Facts about Jesus
Feeling sad or depressed? Having a bad day? Angry? Anxious? We all have been wounded and hurt in...
Daddy, what bead are we on?
“Daddy, what bead are we on?” is a question I am asked frequently by my two oldest sons during our...
Catholic Meditative Prayer: Deepening Your Prayer Life
Prayer is a way to communicate with God, our Father, and to deepen our love for him. It is an...
5 Tips for Being on Time for Mass
So many things get in the way of being on time for Mass. It’s Lent and you promised yourself you’d...
Joseph’s Workshop—A Boardbook Review
Who doesn't love a great board book? If it rhymes and is adorable with great illustrations, all...
Ever Think about the Concept of “Instruments” of Grace?
Within the theology of grace, we see a connection between the sacraments as instruments of grace,...
3 Lies and a Truth
Lies have been around since the beginning of time. The only truth about lies is they are never...
Dos and Don’ts of Lent
Feast on 5 lbs of crawfish, or actually make a sacrifice?
Crazy Things Only Catholic Kids Do
Ever been in one of these crazy situations? We get it—kids are crazy sometimes.
6 Fresh Defenses of the Catholic Church
EWTN Publishing has come out with a book Blue Collar Apologetics: How to Explain and Defend...
Souls in the Game: Saint John’s Seminary Scores One for Vocations
Many imagine joining the priesthood involves detaching oneself from society and entering a life of...
The Mass and the Manger Interactive Christmas Story
Do your kids know why we celebrate the Mass for Christmas?
Cozy Reading for Children!
Wonderful books as possible Advent/Christmas gifts.
Advent Devotional to be Used Year After Year
A time-honored advent devotional is renewed by Sophia Press.
Teaching Children About the Blessed Mother
When children learn to love Mary, they learn to love and trust Christ even more.
St. Dominic’s Dog, Torch, Teaches Kids the Value of the Rosary
This new kids book on St. Dominic is a real winner!
7 Catholic Podcasts to Feed Your Faith
Shoutout to all the wonderful content creators out there!
Awake or Woke: Don’t be Confused
This is your playbook to bring our society back to a traditional, Christian-based culture that is not confused about who we are.
Sts. Crispin and Crispinian: Typo or Twins?
This story is one to remember!
God’s Not Dead—Neither is Mary
No, her being “dead” is not a reason to overlook her intercessory function.
A Prayer to Give One’s Life to the Lord
This simple prayer is recommended for daily conversion.
St. Therese of Lisieux: Your Spiritual BFF
She’s known for stalking those she wants to befriend. Maybe we should listen to her.
2025 Jubliee and Luce
In 2022, Pope Francis announced that 2025 would be a Jubilee year for the Catholic Church, called...
7 Inspiring Advent Traditions from Around the World
In the mad dash towards Christmas, Advent is sometimes overlooked. But this church season has...
Five Catholic Businesses To Support During Christmas Shopping
By now, we have walked through every major retailer and noticed that they are jumping right into...
A Day in the Life of Your Guardian Angel (It’s Harder Than You Think) According to the Catholic Church,...
Let’s imagine: Jesus as a kid
There are less than a handful of stories in the Bible before Jesus started preaching. I’ve often...
The Real Mary Magdalene
July 22nd is the feast day of St. Mary Magdalene, an important woman in the gospel story whose...
All Things Catholic: A Guide from A to Z Book Review
First off, the title does not disappoint! This book truly covers a ton of Catholic topics from A...
29 Inspirational Richard Simmons Quotes
Born Milton Teagle Simmons on July 12, 1948, in New Orleans, Louisiana, the flamboyant Richard...
Evangelizing Is a Lot Easier Than People Think
As Catholics, evangelization is a call to spread the good news of our faith through word, deed,...
He’ll Take Your Suffering
The one thing we all have in common is suffering. From the moment of our conception, we are joined...
St. Josemaria’s Secret to Joy
St. Josemaria Escriva was no stranger to suffering. Despite this, he continuously preached on the...
Jellybean, A Children’s Book About Miscarriage
Jellybean, as nicknamed by her family, has an exciting life inside the womb. Not only is she...
Novena to the Infant of Prague
The Novena to the Infant of Prague stems back to the 16th century. The statue originated in...
The Truth about Confirmation
It’s Confirmation season, or so it seems. Religious education directors everywhere are scrambling...
Easter Things Only Catholics Do and Say
"He is Risen!" That phrase is splashed all over social media and church signboards. After the...
Does Hell Really Exist?
No one talks about it in public. It is unpleasant and uncomfortable to discuss. It is that place...
Kid-Friendly Triduum Ideas
The Triduum can be a mysterious and sad time even for adults. Below are some ways to help our kids...
Overcoming Depression Through Our Faith
As Catholics and as people of faith, we have much to be joyous about in terms of living out our...
Lights, Camera, Female Saint and World Famous Italian Tenor?
What a time to be alive, when beautiful well-made movies about the saints, including female...
The Best Date Ideas for Ash Valentine’s Day
What awesome ideas did we miss?
Being Further Open to the Holy Spirit
The third person of the holy trinity is the holy spirit. The holy spirit is a valuable aspect of...
Cozy and Encouraging Catholic Cookbooks
It's winter and all things homey and cozy are close by as we snuggle up with our loved ones in...
Theo-what? 6 Reasons to Honor Mary, Mother of God
The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, rounds out the Christmas octave, and typically is a holy day...
Why the Immaculate Conception is an Epic Feast to Celebrate
May we continue to grow closer to God and learn from the humble example of Mary to obey God in all things!
+25 Prayer Intentions from Personal to Global
Struggling with funding a specific prayer intention. Let us help.
7 Weird and Wonderful Catholic Relics
Ever seen some of these in person?
Sainte-Chapelle: Beauty that Transcends
One of the most beautiful churches in all the world. Do you want to go?
6 Daily Principles for Union with God, by Brother Lawrence
This 17th century saint offers much for modern Catholics.
Why are Moses and Jesus Often Compared?
The author of Hebrews goes to great lengths to make the comparison, but why?
6 Saintly Thoughts on Guardian Angels
What did the saints say about Guardian Angels?
Don’t Give Up too Quickly on Friends
Working through human relationships is part of the work of imitating Christ.
Intercessor for the Holy Land?—St. Mariam of Jesus Crucified (aka: “The Little Arab”)
Perhaps “the little Arab” also known as “the Lily of Palestine”, a Carmelite nun who founded a convent in Bethlehem, is just the right intercessor for these times.
Do Dogs Go to Heaven?
What does the Church actually teach on the subject?
The “Uh-O” Antiphons of this Advent Season
The time for the O! Antiphons, which begin on December 17th every year, is rapidly approaching...
3 Personifications of Death in Pop Culture…and how they align with Christianity
In honor of November being dedicated to the holy souls in Purgatory, where we in the Church on...
Fall Words You Didn’t Know Were Catholic
'Tis the season, my friends. If you live anywhere besides Arizona, the air is crisp and the leaves...
St. Carlo Acutis, Patron Saint of… What?
Blessed Carlo Actutis is set to be canonized in 2025. That means he'll become a Saint. THAT means...
“ME!” A Three Year Old’s Perspective on the Eucharist
"Jesus waits for you", I mumbled to my almost three-year-old half-heartedly during the...
100 Years After Sigrid Undset’s Conversion, Donated Vestments Finally are Used!
Did you know that the popular trilogy, "Kristin Lavransdatter" was written by a female Catholic...
The Eucharist: True Presence for the Soul
The source and summit of our faith as Catholics is no doubt the Eucharist. Yet, there is doubt for...
Catholic Prime Day Deals (and after)
Everyone loves a good deal, especially when you have 300 kids to feed (ya know those large...
Matching Mommy and Me Books on Mother Cabrini
Mother Cabrini, the first American to be canonized, has come to the big screen through Angel...
Have a Catholic Question? Stop Here
Ever listen to a homily and think, "what did that mean?" Or watch the news about an upcoming...
4 Catholic Things Only Catholic Can Say They Do
While all in great fun, there is a lot to the Catholic faith that if you aren't raised Catholic,...
3 Ways to Love People You Don’t Like
Who are the people you don't want to be with in the same room? On my list are the ferocious...
8 Quick Facts About the Man, the Legend, Pope Benedict XVI
Most of us know the common facts about Pope Benedict. He's German, he was a pope, he resigned, he...
Find Effects of Catholicism Everywhere
Do you have a St. Christopher medal in your car? Or enjoy a pretzel and wonder why it has the...
Making Peace with 24 Hours
I could get so much more done if I didn’t have to stop to sleep. Yet, I’ve proved to myself...
The Story of the First Easter Bunny, Book Review
Looking for a good and wholesome story about the Easter Bunny for your kids?
Opinion Piece: The Heart of Worship
As we persevere through the rest of Lent and prepare to enter into the Paschal Triduum, let us all enter more fully into the heart of worship.
Lenten Encouragement for the Weary
The saints always show up when we ask for help. Lent is a time for growth, but in it doesn't come...
A Lenten Prayer for Humility
During this season of Lent, as Catholics, we strive to live humbly for Christ. It is a time of...
How to Turn Grouchy People into Blessings
Ever tried some of these tactics?
“Saints Alive” is Not Your Typical Podcast
Kids, teens, and parents are raving about this podcast.
Are Catholic Families Letting Go of CCD?
The Good Old Days Eight years ago, our two-church parish in Massachusetts had over 1,400 children...
Sacramentals: Good Luck Charms or Holy Objects?
Do you know when salt becomes a sacramental?
We Can Give the Perfect Gift
The perfect costs nothing at all.
St. Thomas Aquinas on the Incarnation
A profound take on the Incarnation from the Angelic Doctor.
A Gift of Love too Many People Fear
For some, Down Syndrome is a frightening thought. It shouldn’t be.
Is Thanksgiving Catholic? Check it Out with Your Kids!
This is really neat to watch with the kids.
Do You Value the Elderly?
Definitely easier on paper. We offer a few important suggestions.
The True and Immutable Steps to Happiness
From the late Kevin Vost, who truly understood happiness.
Religious Jokes, from a Fransiscan Frier!
A Franciscan, a Jesuit, and a diocesan priest were together . . . what could go wrong? Enjoy these...
Why be a Catholic and Not Just Christian?
It’s a question we all face—how would you answer?
Kid-Friendly Catholic Podcasts
Yes, your kid will actually listen and love these Catholic podcasts.
The Newly Ordained Parochial Vicar
An amusing story about moral temperance.